Q&A With 3D Cannabis Center Owner Toni Fox
Toni Fox, owner of 3D Cannabis Center in Denver, answered a few questions about her business and her upcoming session at Cannabis Business Summit, “Elevating Women in the Cannabis Industry.”
Here is what Toni had so say.
CBSummit: How did you first get involved with the cannabis industry?
Toni Fox: I was an activist for legalization for about 20 years. I owned a successful custom landscape company with my husband for a decade prior to the decision to get into the industry.
CBSummit: I know you and your husband had a landscape company, so when and why did you decide to open a cannabis center?
Toni Fox: We were tired of the landscape industry, my husband got hurt on the last large water feature he built and wanted to retire. We had friends who were in the industry and thought it was a good idea.
CBSummit: 3D Cannabis Center was host to the first legal recreational purchase in Denver, what was that experience like?
Toni Fox: Surreal. It was the culmination of many years of activism, hard work, determination, and the belief that we could legalize cannabis. It was a goal achieved.
CBSummit: Tell us about the growing space in the center. What strains are you growing on site? What kind of equipment do you use?
Toni Fox: We have 14,000 sq ft of cultivation at our Denver facility. Currently it is about 40% organic soil and 60% hydroponics. We are currently building out 40,000 sq ft of outdoor/hoop house & greenhouse grow in Chaffee County. We are currently cultivating about 50 different strain varieties.
CBSummit: Where are the majority of your sales coming from? Out-of-state tourists or Colorado residents?
Toni Fox: Currently it is about 70% tourists (out of state) and 30% in state and repeat customers.
CBSummit: What is the competition like among recreational cannabis facilities in Denver? Has the market been completely flooded, and what does 3-D do to stand out?
Toni Fox: There are currently about 52 Retail Centers open in Colorado with that number expected to rise to about 150 - 200 within the next several months. I think many owners thought their recreational sales would be higher sooner than what they are seeing. For 3D Cannabis Center, we have captured a majority of the media and continue to try and accommodate all media requests to ensure that we can keep the 3D Cannabis Center name at the top of the internet searches. We have the world’s largest and, quite possibly, only cultivation viewing corridor which is a HUGE attraction that people are so excited to see. We are conveniently located with lots of parking and a spacious inviting facility that has become the ultimate destination for the cannabis tourist
CBSummit: Tell us about your involvement with the women’s cannabis groups including the Women’s Canna Business Network, the Women’s Marijuana Movement, in addition to SAFER and the NCIA.
Toni Fox: I have always felt that women, united will have a powerful impact on the ending of cannabis prohibition. These organizations work on bringing like-minded individuals together and united our voices and our efforts for the same goal: cannabis legalization
CBSummit: What challenges or attitudes have you faced in this industry as a woman?
Toni Fox: Well, there are certainly more men in leadership roles in this industry but there are many strong women as well. There are some who choose to use the sexualization of women to market and sell their marijuana but I think there are less and less of them. I have felt only respect and inclusion by the majority of my peers.
CBSummit: Do you have any advice for women looking to break into the industry or start their own cannabis business?
Toni Fox: Starting your own business in any industry is an extremely difficult proposition that requires 100% of your focus and energy 100% of the time for the first couple of years. Be prepared to sacrifice in order to be successful. Be prepared financially with additional back up funding options because the first few years usually costs you more than projected. Don't stop, don't give up, never quit, keep going, join support groups of like-minded entrepreneurs. You only fail once you have decided to stop trying.