New ArcView Market Research Report eyes new markets in Alaska and Washington


The 2014 mid-term elections brought big changes to the legal cannabis marketplace in America. Laws allowing adult-use marijuana passed in Oregon, Alaska, and Washington, D.C., and medical marijuana nearly cleared the 60% threshold required for adoption in Florida.

While D.C.’s law must undergo a 30-day congressional review, Oregon and Alaska are moving full steam ahead. That has experts and entrepreneurs wondering: how will the experience of Oregon and Alaska stack up to early adopters like Washington and Colorado?

A new report from ArcView Market Research seeks to answer just that.

From ArcView:

“These projections are made based on estimated existing demand from marijuana consumers, new marijuana consumer demand and demand from out-of-state visitors. Based on AMR’s expertise in marijuana markets, the following projections factor in the track record in previous states, existing business experience and proclivity of marijuana consumers to estimate the amount of demand that will be captured by the new markets in their first year of continuous operations.”

Have a look at the data in this infographic below.

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