
Scott Zeramby

Mendocino Agricultural Products LLC

Scott Zeramby is a well-known consultant in the medical cannabis industry with more than 30 years of experience in organic horticultural methods. He is the owner of Mendocino Agricultural Products LLC ( a manufacturer of potting mixes and fertilizers, and a retail garden store, Dirt Cheap Garden Supply, both based in Mendocino County, California. He is also a partner in the consulting group EntityX, Inc., whose clients are among the few companies that won permits for medical cannabis production and processing facilities in Connecticut and Illinois. 

Scott’s 2011 collaborative work with Nobel Laureate, Dr. Evan Mills, scientifically quantified indoor cannabis production methods and the resulting carbon footprint. This peer reviewed study, “Energy Up In Smoke” has been reprinted in articles featured in hundreds of newspapers including: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg View, The Huffington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, MSNBC, Forbes, CNN Money and many others. Scott has also been interviewed on the subject of cannabis production methods in numerous radio programs in both the US and Canada, including KCBS Radio, The Rutherford Report and SeaChange Radio as well as a number of NPR affiliated stations. Scott continues to work closely with policy makers in California, Colorado and Washington State in order to help craft public policies that encourage cannabis growers to use the most environmentally sustainable and economically efficient agriculture methods in order to keep cannabis production green and clean.