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Ryan Abernathy

x-tracted Laboratories

Ryan Abernathy is co-founder of X-tracted Laboratories and X-Tracted Laboratories 502. As President of X-Tracted Laboratories, Ryan has over seen the growth of X-Tracted’s champion brand, Refine Seattle, from inception to being one of the most popular brands in the Seattle mmj market. X-Tracted Laboratories currently produces and distributes Refine Seattle, The Clear Concentrates WA, Northwest Concentrates, DoPen’s DopeOil, as well as multiple private label lines for the region’s best growers. 

As an early pioneer in the concentrate market, Ryan focused on safe techniques for extractors and patients. Most recently X-Tracted Laboratories 502 has helped shape the emerging recreational market by sharing this experience with the Washington State Liquor Control Board and other state regulators to help shape what became our rules for processing with hydrocarbons.