Scaling your brand to its ultimate and lucrative exit requires building depth and breadth from your brand logo and includes every product name, packaging, marketing campaign, emoji's and every other place you brand is mentioned. With a focus on three principles: (1) Brand management from concept to sale; (2) Define value as perceived by consumers and investors; and (3) Develop sticky value and know how to expand across markets; your business becomes enabled to penetrate your existing market, dominate your competition and most importantly increase the value of your company improving the wealth, and return, to your investors.

Learning Objectives:
By participating in this workshop attendees will learn how to understand the many value creators in your business and the value that comes from surrounding yourself with business experience in and outside the cannabis industry.

We will have breakout groups with exercises on building a brand, financial allocations, and then pitching your concepts with budgeting to the teams.

We will have some of the top cannabis brands speak about their various strategies from; Cannabrand, Mary Jane’s Medicinal, Medicine Man Techologies, and Caliva.