If there is one thing all cannabis business owners know, it is that compliance with state regulations is a time-consuming and challenging task. But in the not-too-distant future, it is likely that there will be federal regulations layered on top of those state regulations.  This luncheon and roundtable is dedicated to exploring that future and discussing how we can take a proactive approach to shaping those regulations.

To that end, the National Cannabis Industry Association recently launched the NCIA Policy Council, a committee that supports the development of cannabis industry-related policy at the federal level. During this roundtable, Policy Council staff will provide participants with an update on the current federal policy landscape, as well as an overview of the Policy Council’s work, including the Council’s first white paper, which is expected to be released around the time of the Cannabis Business Summit.

Following this overview, there will be a great panel, featuring two experts in cannabis regulations, an expert in alcohol regulations, and the president of the American Herbal Products Association. They will discuss, based on the federal government’s experience with these other two products, how cannabis is likely to be regulated at the federal level — and, if there is a difference, how it should be regulated.

Roundtable participants will then have the opportunity to contribute directly to the Council's future work by sharing their own thoughts about potential federal policy priorities. After breaking out into smaller discussion groups, participants will report what each group collectively considers to be the five most critical issues for industry operators. The full list of policy priorities will be presented to the Policy Council following the conference.

All interested in shaping federal cannabis policy are welcome to attend this luncheon and roundtable - individuals need not be current cannabis industry operators to participate in this workshop as experience in other industries or fields will only enhance the overall level of insight in the room.