Jonathan Valdman
Forever Flowering Greenhouses
Jonathan Valdman is an entrepreneur, farmer and educator of agricultural practices that are based in permaculture, sustainability and efficiency. He has been farming organically for over 20 years and has been legally growing Cannabis since California’s medical marijuana law was passed in 1996. With a knowledge of land design and growing indoors, outdoors and in greenhouses via soil and hydroponics he has acquired a well rounded level of experience within the many modalities of Cannabis cultivation.
In 2006 Jonathan founded Forever Flowering Greenhouses, FFG, in an effort to develop a commercial grade greenhouse company that could address the future needs of the medical Cannabis industry. Through the experience of growing in greenhouses and utilizing the technology of light deprivation he found the solution to an alternative to the high-°©‐energy consuming practices of the indoor gardening reality. Through years of hands-°©‐on experience and commitment to the highest quality products he and his staff have created the standard of the greenhouse light deprivation industry. Innovative solutions and products that were created over these years of trial and error can be seen within a vast majority of the cannabis industry today.
After years of working within Forever Flowering and growing the company into a place of success Jonathan has branched out to launch the Greening Corporate Cannabis, GCC, campaign. GCC is his response to the direction that the industrial and often corporate side of the Cannabis industry is heading. With a large number of licensed facilities being grown indoors under lights and being fed synthetic, salt-°©‐ based nutrients he feels time is of the essence to educate both investors and cultivators of the benefits and increased profits that come naturally from a reduced carbon footprint operation. When the US Federal Government came down hard on the Cannabis industry growers went indoors. Now that the laws are changing it is no longer necessary for Cannabis to remain the only plant on the planet grown its entire life cycle under lights. There is a vast pool of knowledge these days when it comes to growing organically/biologically and in a method that is not destructive to the planet nor a company’s bottom line. GCC aims to collaborate like-°©‐minded companies, certifiers and individuals to educate and consult about profiting from reduced carbon footprint growing and operating procedures.