Emily Paxhia

Founding Partner & Director of Relations
Poseidon Asset Management

Emily spends her time analyzing the Cannabis marketplace and building relationships. With 10+ years of experience working as a brand consultant and researcher, her work has included primary and secondary marketplace research and consulting in a number of categories and industries. She consulted the rebranding of the IFC to increase viewership and revenue and to develop Emmy –nominated programming. And has worked with Comedy Central to regain and grow viewership. More recently, Emily consulted with Participant Media to establish a viewing base and to explore the optimal launch for a new type of digital TV channel. Her work with HBO, AMC, MTV, Style, G4, E! and Sundance Channel has resulted in higher viewer engagement across platform, more successful, unified, brand positioning, and increased revenue for the parent companies.

For over six years, Emily has had an ongoing relationship consulting with one of the top financial organizations, both on their business and consumer sides. Her work with them has led to the development of a lifestyle/financial mobile app, the reshaping of their brand focus and messaging, and the creation of a host of new lending products.